Monday, May 16, 2011

Surrealism design!

1. The design created was meant to be very creepy, i tried to make it look like my stone like face is falling away on one half revealing part of my real face with a worm coming out of my nose.
2. The assignment for the design was to make something almost dream like, so i went for almost sort of a nightmare/creepy dream like scenario.
3. I sort of just went with the flow on this project the only plan i had going in was to do something with faces, from there i just tried out different effects!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Package design!

These mountain dew bottles are very creative and appealing because they have such a different design then the typical soda bottle. They all come with a very different unique design that i think is very cool. The strength in the design is the use of different colors and shapes and figures that really draw attention to it.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


My newest design! i think it came out pretty good, i formed Kanye West with one of his quotes "nothing in life is promised except death "

Friday, March 4, 2011

Logo Designs!

1) My first logo is just my initials, i chopped them up and added some color, then i used a car as the space for the R in the middle. My second logo is for where i work, which is pizza 101. I made a pizza back round then typed 101 in filling the negative space of the zero with silverware.
2) In my first one i shaped the negative space in the R is shaped like a car, in the second one i shaped the negative space in the zero as a set of silverware.
3) The hardest part i think was just on my name logo, there wasn't really much i can do with the letters of my name, so it took a while to think of something. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pattern Design

1. The art work that i created is a pattern design. I created a pattern out of basic shapes(stars, squares, circles) and lines.
2. The assignment for my design was to make a pattern, and i made i my own by basically starting from scratch and using lines and shapes to form a pattern.
3. To create my pattern i sort of just got an idea in my head and went with it, i didnt have anything really drawn out, i started from one point then just went with it!

Friday, February 11, 2011